Top Three Signs it’s Time to Replace Your Jeep’s Soft Top
When it comes to four-wheel drive vehicles, the Jeep Wrangler is one of those iconic ones. It’s been used in countless movies and seems to be the go-to vehicle for those who enjoy off-roading and feeling closer to nature. One of the greatest things about owning a Jeep is that you’ve got the option to use a soft top roof, which can be removed quickly and easily so you have that open-air rushing through the vehicle. While these Jeep soft tops are great, they don’t last forever unfortunately.
If you’ve been examining your soft top and wondering if it’s time to purchase a new one, then you’re going to want to read on and check out these top three signs that it’s time to purchase a new kit.
How Old is the Soft Top?
One of the biggest indicators that it’s time to replace the soft top is the age of it. In general, most soft tops are designed to last anywhere from three to five years depending on the environment and driving conditions. Some tops will last a little longer, whereas others will require replacement a little earlier.
During the three to five year mark you should at least be making regular inspections of the soft top looking for any potential issues. Keep in mind some issues can be repaired allowing you to put off replacement at least by a little bit.
You Can No Longer Find the Replacement Parts You Need
Another issue with these soft tops is that some pieces can require replacement from time to time. This could be hardware, the doors, and other items. Damage and just normal wear and tear is usually to blame. Unfortunately you may not be able to find the parts you need, or they may be so expensive that it doesn’t make sense to purchase them. Considering you can find soft top packages for well under $1,000, you really need to make sure the replacement parts are worth the expense.
A Large Tear in the Soft Top
While small tears in the soft top aren’t necessarily a big deal and can be repaired relatively easy, a large tear just isn’t the same. For small tears you can use aluminium waterproofing tape and black tar in order to piece it back together. You can then paint over it with latex paint the color of the soft top so that it blends in. This type of fix is usually durable enough that you don’t need to replace the soft top.
If you have a particularly large tear though, or you’ve got a number of tears in the top, then repair may not make much sense. In this case total replacement is usually the better option.
A Fresh New Top
While it’s never fun to have to replace a major part on your car, a fresh new soft top will provide you with a much quieter, more comfortable, and all-around better ride.
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